Thursday, 24 July 2014

Japanese Scientist builds Robots that look eerily humans.

  1. What are androids?
  2. Name the three robots Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro has created for the 'Android: What is Human' exhibition? What are their respective roles?
  3. Why are androids more difficult to build then normal robots?

  1. Androids are robots with a human appearance.
  2. The team of robots being exhibited include two beautiful females - the adult Otonaroid (Otano means adult in Japanese) and the juvenile Kodomoroid (Kodomo means child in Japanese) as well as a tiny cuddly infant-like robot called Telenoid. 
  3. Androids are harder to build because they are built to act and fell like humans.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Bad Pets


  1. Why did Direct Blinds ask people to post pet pictures on their Facebook page?
  2. What title did Yodie win? What did he do to deserve it?
  3. What are the 2nd and 3rd place winners known to do frequently?

  1. Direct blinds ask the owners of the pets to upload photos and videos on their facebook page of them caught performing there naughtiest behaviours.
  2. Yoddie deserved it because he was sick and the vets told him to stay home for two weeks.he won Britons naughtiest pet and the owner got 500 pounds and some free custom blinds.
  3. In third place was harry he likes to shred up news paper and magazines. In third place was stoops she loves to open the fridge and hop in to lick the top of the cold milk bottles.

Monday, 21 July 2014

Bali Inquiry

This is a kind of offering called Cananng sari. This offering is for the gods. This is sent Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa as a thanks for peace in the world

The School in Bali is called "The Green School". The They have a won the greenest school award.

They eat dead skin off you feet and toes and it makes your feet soft they are called Gara Rufa

Batik is using fabric design and wax to make patterns in it

The saraswati Temple is detected to Hindu goddess called Saraswati

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Term 2 PMI

- House Indoor Soccer
- Cross county
- Science fair silver robin
-  I go Player of the day for Hockey twice

- Going to Mr divers office
- Not practising at home
- Didn't do Table tennis champs
- AIMS Soccer trials

- Kia kaha
- Dodge ball next term
- AIMS games
- AIMS Soccer trials

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

TELItime - Caveman poo suggests they may have eaten vegetables

Write questions about the article where the following words or phrases are the

1. 50,000

2. Southern Spain

3. Traces of meat

4. Plants, such as tubers, berries, and nuts.

5. Anaira Sistiaga

6. Neanderthal teeth

7. Homo sapiens

- Use at least 3 of the 7 servants

- Questions must make sense

- Question MUST have a question mark.

1.How many years ago did the reachers say it was?

2. Where did they find it?

3. What did all the samples contain?

4. What kind of plants did they eat?

5. What is the persons name that is from University of La Laguna in Spain

6. What are do the neanderthal use as tools that were quite useful?

7. What are neanderthal close cuisine to?