Sunday 29 June 2014

Worlds Ugliest dogs


  1. How many years has the 'World's Ugliest Dog' contest been around? How many contestants did it attract this year?
  2. How did this year's winner Peanut get his 'ugly' looks?
  3. What is the organizer's main purpose for organizing this unusual competition?


  1. On Friday 20th June 29 dogs and there owner have came to Santa Rosa, Californian to be crowned the worlds Ugliest dog. It is the 26th year that the contesters has been going, the contest is one of the biggest attractions at the annual Sonoma County Fair.
  2. Peanut got his 'Ugly' looks when he was badly burnt in a fire which caused him to lose his lips, most of his body hair and eyelids. As a result, his eyes constantly water.
  3. The contest is to raise awareness for their adoption by showing the world that physical detractions do not prevent dogs from becoming loving pets.


Critical thinking 

I think it is a appropriate name because the owners sign up there dogs for the title of worlds most ugliest dog,

Thursday 26 June 2014

A seagull

Bang! As the starting gun went off with I wonder what would it was. Nothing. Still nothing.

As I was eating so food that I found on the ground there was loud vibration as the runners ran past so I bolted.

When I got to about 100M up in the sky I sore is one rimu kid I amax of these other  houses.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Australia's Favorite White Humpback Makes A Rare Appearance


  1. What is so special about Migaloo?
  2. Cite a few facts from the article that tell you how precious Migaloo is to the people of Australia.
  3. Why is Migaloo known as a 'hypo-pigmented' humpback? is he the only one?


  1. Migaloo is so special because he is the first white humpback whale documented, Scientist say he has a skin condition called lbinism. People around the world can see were he is throw Facebook, Twitter and websites.   
  2. Migaloo has been give a name in aboriginal Australian language witch means "whit fella".         He immediately elevated to the status of 'special interest whale'.This means that boats and jet-skis have to keep a distance of at least 500 meters, while airplanes have to be more than 2,000 meters away from him. Anybody caught violating this rule is subject to a fine of $12,500 AUD. People have set up Facebook, twitter and websites. Migaloo has a lot of fans.
  3. Why is Migaloo known as a 'hypo-pigmented' humpback? is he the only one?                                Migaloo is a hypo-pigmented whale because he has no colour.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

CE Reading


  1. What cereal does Rosado use to create her portraits?
  2. Why does it take so long to create each masterpiece?
  3. Name some celebrities that have featured in her cereal art series. What kind of art did Rosando unveil in 2013


  1. Sarah Rosado, decided to pick cereal or to be more precise corn flakes for her creative art creations.
  2. It takes Sarah Rosado so long because she has to make a sketch of it and then she has to crush the corn flakes into the right size to  create the art work
  3. Among Rosado's many cereal art celebrity creations are 'the king of pop', Michael Jackson, Reggae legend Bob Marley, R&B singer Alicia Keys, as well as former Beatle, John Lennon. In September 2013 Sarah Rosado wowed the world with a series of artwork that was made entirely from dirt.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

CE Reading


  1. Where was most recent tallest Lego structure built? Who built it?
  2. What are the two requirement imposed by the Guinness World Records before a Lego tower can be eligible for inclusion?
  3. Why does the author believe that a new Lego tower record will be attempted soon?

  1. The most recent tallest Lego structure was a 114-ft town built  by elementary students from Denmark in Budapest.
  2. The tower had to have the no wire support and no adhesive as in glue or segment.
  3. People wanted to break the record, it was broken three times in 2012.

Monday 16 June 2014

CE Reading


  1. What is unusual about the reptiles that live at Nyanyana crocodile farm?
  2. How did they turn this way?
  3. What are the crocodiles being bred for?

1.  My opinion about  why the crocs that lives in Nyanyana crocodile farm are so unusual or different because rather than eating meat or their prey they prefer to snack on vegetarian meals. Also there skin is softer than crocodiles that eat meat, The  crocodile that eat vegebles sleep alot more than crocodile that eat meat.
2.  In 2006 when Zimbabwe was undergoing an economic crises, the company found it impossible to find affordable meat to feed the 164000 crocodiles that were being raised in the farm. Desperate, they  started feeding the reptiles with pellets that were a mix of meat and vegetables. After noticcing that the change in diet did not seem to deter the retile's growth. They gradually eliminated the meat completely and are now raising crocodiles that are 100% vegetarian.

3. The reptiles are bred for their skin which is sold to European tanneries where it is transformed into leather and sold to fashion houses like Hermes and Gucci to make expensive handbags, shoes and belts. 

Critical thinking
I think that its a good idea because the crocodiles have a less chance of attacking the people

Sunday 15 June 2014

C.E Reading


  1. What did Malavath do? Why does the author believe it is so admirable?
  2. What did she have to do to get selected for the Mount Everest climb? What happened when Malavath reached the advanced base camp?
  3. How long did it  take the team to get to the summit? What does Malavath hope her achievement will do to help other people?

  1. Malavth clamp or ("conquered") Mount Everest. The author (Meera Dolasia) thought this was spectacular because she was only 13 years old.
  2. Malavth was one of the twenty selected for a professional training at the Darjeeling Himalayan Mountaineering Institute and was picked to do the "Adventurous" climb. Malavth got altitude sickness and had to return to base camp.
  3. It took the team of six to get the summit in 52 days (7 weeks and 4 days). She got altitude sickness when she reached advanced base camp.